Hostess with no mostess

This is how I know I am now an adult. I am hosting my first baby shower. My friend, Jess, and I are bravely tackling the challenges of throwing a shower for our friend. Biggest challenge I am struggling with: I have only been to two baby showers tops and everyone who knows me will tell you my creativity bug is the size of an ant.
Thankfully, there are people who spend way to much time thinking about this kind of thing. Let me introduce you to my new best friends that I have been spending way to much time with.
Hostess With The Mostess--- They have free printable templates that I used to decorate the table. I will post pictures after Saturday
Martha Stewart Shower Ideas---- I am so desperate I am even seeking out ole Martha for help, and of course, her crafts are out of my league. I need things that I can color by number.

I don't want to disclose too much information because I can't wait for my mind blowing blog with pictures from this crazy party.
Melissa Eubanks is the cutest baby mama ever and I want this shower to kick some tail!